We are please to announce that as of 26/09/2019, we are only using 100% renewable electricity for our manufacturing plant and farm enterprises.
We believe BALANCED are the first UK Horse Feeds manufacturer to go completely green for Elecricity.
A lovely testimonial
Lara Berrie We started using Balanced Horse Feeds, Show Mix after winning a bag in “win it wednesday”
Our 7 year intermediate was lacking muscle, top line and needed some extra sparkle. We were sceptical that we would actually see a difference, having been through Feeds that promise the world and seeing no difference.
We were blown away by the results after a few weeks and now this is a must have feed.
We won and qualified for Royal International this year where he was 9th in the Intermediate SRT, also 7th in the amateur hacks.
We also used the Electrolytes- salt replacer 2 weeks prior to making our long journey down to Hickstead. We were blown away to find that Sid hadn’t lost any condition and still looked in tip top shape, considering we were stuck in the M6 for 7 hours in 34 degree heat. Then came out the next day to perform to perfection.
We swear by this feed and now wouldn’t use anything else. For anyone that is sceptical I can 100% say that this is the best feed we have found, highly palatable and doesn’t cost a fortune.